Thursday, February 16, 2012

To Wear or Clear Out... ?

On the tail end of a busy week, I finally forced myself to do my behemoth mountain of ironing last night....certainly has opened up my wardrobe options once more! Looking at the stack, it occurred to me that I probably don’t need to be purchasing much more in the way of clothing for some months. A bit of layering, along with more accessorizing (which to be honest – I struggle a bit with) & I should be good to go for the seasonal weather transition.

Ideally, once my weight stabilises a bit more, I’d like to downsize & streamline to create a capsule wardrobe although, not sure I’ll get there any time soon!

I’ve been reading a few blogs about only wearing the one dress daily, but it’s not something I would try. It wouldn’t fit into my current lifestyle & not an additional stress I’d want to worry about! I like having wardrobe options, but recognise I’m holding on to items that no longer fit, flatter or suit me.

I think another hard wardrobe clear out is looming for me in the upcoming months.
When was the last time you did one & what was the result?

1 comment:

  1. I tend to do a clear out during Nov/Dec when I do a full audit of clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery etc.

    I keep an eye on things through the year and what looks to be wearing out or looking or smelling bad, and then come the end of the year, if it's really bad I throw out, donate, or use as rags. Tshirts are great for that.

    I go through everything to see what fits, what looks good, or what I've just had enough of, what jewellery needs cleaning or fixing, what shoes need throwing.

    A capsule is a great idea but one thing I find, if you colour code your clothes then you can come up with more outfits, you can also make many capsules from the colours in your wardrobe.

    Red, black, white. Blue, green, black. Pink, purple, red. They're the colours I have and I've found I have a lot of tops in mixes of those colours so it's easy to throw a capsule together.
